Red Hook's community bulletin
The COMMUNITY EMERGENCY READINESS PLAN is a plan for the 72 hours before and after a community wide emergency.
The Community Disaster Readiness Plan was developed by the community of Red Hook, for the community of Red Hook. The purpose of the plan is to provide residents a single guide in preparation for and immediate recovery from future emergencies. It is not a government plan. Instead it is a community companion to government plans, and addresses the critical 72 hours prior to and after a disaster, before formal government assistance is in place.

Support Services created and performed by community members will be in place to assist residents during emergency events until emergency response and recovery workers are able to get to Red Hook. Each support service, listed below, will be set up at a specific location in Red Hook. Each support service has a set activation time; however, the nature of the emergency may cause delays. Check in with RHI (Red Hook Initiative) to stay up-to-date on when support services become available.
Develop a plan with your household members that outlines what to do, how to find each other, and how to communicate in the event of an emergency. Use Ready New York: My Emergency Plan at NYC.gov/myemergencyplan.
Every household member should have a Go Bag - a collection of items you may need during an evacuation - packed in an easy-to-carry container such as a backpack. Go Bag checklist: use the suggestions below to check off items as you include them in your Go Bag. Blank spaces have been provided for items you may want to add to the list, including medical devices and food for your dietary needs.
Copies of your important documents in a waterproof and portable container (insurance cards, photo IDs, etc.)
Extra set of car and house keys
Copies of credit/ATM cards and cash
Bottled water and nonperishable food such as energy or granola bars
Battery-operated AM/FM radio
Extra batteries
A list of medications you take, why you take them, and their dosages
Doctors’ names and phone numbers
First- aid kit
Contact and meeting place information for your household and a small local map
Child care, pet care, and other special items
Print out of important passwords to important online accounts and/or devices you may need.
Other personal items
You may need to shelter in place (stay at home) during an emergency. Keep enough supplies in your home for at least three days. Additionally, basic services such as electricity, water, public transportation, and telephones may be disrupted for several days or longer. Make sure that you have enough additional supplies for potential service outages. Emergency supply kit checklist: use the suggestions below to check off items as you include them.
One gallon of drinking water per person per day
Non-perishable, ready-to-eat canned foods and manual can opener
First-aid kit
Battery-operated AM/FM radio
Extra batteries
Iodine tablets or one quart of unscented bleach (for disinfecting water ONLY if directed to do so by health officials) and eyedropper (for adding bleach to water)
Other items
Make sure you have all recommended items in your emergency supply kit in case you lose power or other basic services. If you do not need to evacuate, shelter in place and make use of your emergency supply kit. Stay away from windows in case they break or shatter and stay indoors to avoid emergency hazards. If you have concerns about how a loss of power, basic services, and public transportation may affect you, consider evacuating.
If the city issues an evacuation order for your area, evacuate as directed. The closest evacuation center is the NYC Technical College, located at 300 Jay Street. The City will communicate through local media specific instructions about which areas of the city should evacuate. Red Hook is in Zone 1 for hurricanes and floods. If ordered to evacuate, do so as directed. Use public transportation if possible. Public transportation may shut down hours before the event. If possible, move your car outside of flood zones to avoid potential damage to your vehicle.
The City strongly recommends evacuees stay with friends or family who live outside evacuation zone boundaries. For those who have no other shelter, the City will open evacuation centers throughout the five boroughs. Evacuation centers include accessible facilities and accommodations for people with special needs. All evacuees will be accepted, and evacuees will not be asked about their immigration status at any New York City evacuation center. The closest evacuation center to Red Hook is NYC TECHNICAL COLLEGE at 300 Jay Street in downtown Brooklyn.
If you are going to an evacuation center, pack lightly, and bring:
Your Go Bag
Sleeping bag or bedding
At least a week’s supply of any medication (if possible), medical supplies, or medical equipment you use regularly
Make sure your disaster plan addresses what you will do with your pet if an emergency requires you to leave your home. If you cannot shelter your pet at a kennel or with friends or relatives outside the evacuation area, call 311 to determine if your local shelter accepts pets. Please bring supplies to care for your pet, including food, leashes, a carrier, and medication. Pets may be allowed at some but not all NYC shelters. During Sandy, the Jay Street and Brooklyn Tech High School shelters did not take pets.
Check the news and follow city advisories; check local info at #ReadyRedHook
Have your go bag and emergency supply kit handy
If you don’t have either of the above, prepare them [see page 4 for what you need]
Be sure to have at least enough food and water for three days
Charge your cell phone and conserve the battery
Determine if you need to evacuate; if you do, make a plan with family and friends that you can stay with, or find info on the closest city shelters
Move your car to higher and safer ground, out of the emergency zone
note: not all emergencies have a 72 hour notice
Check in with your neighbors and family, especially the elderly and homebound
Follow #ReadyRedHook to see when support services have been activated, and to get latest info
Report life threatening emergencies using 911
Report power outages, gas leaks and any damage or unsafe conditions to the City using 311
Report building and infrastructure problems or other unsafe conditions to Coordination or a Community Response Team member
Go to the Health and Medical support service location if you or someone else needs medical assistance
Go to the Food and Shelter support service location if you need food, help finding a place to stay
Charge your cell phone at support services stations and use it only when you have to
Go to the Coordination support service location if you have donations of food, supplies or clothing and / or if you’d like to volunteer